The work was complicated by the location of live laboratory testing facilities, situated adjacent to the main building. The laboratories within the MBC site were being utilized for vaccination testing and COVID and had to remain fully operational during the works, additional safety measures and controls were required and the majority of works were completed out of hours.
Outputs & Results
- All works were completed out of hours
- Liaison with an Independent Analyst who performed Air Monitoring during the works
- Managing health and safety and minimizing disruption was a major focus whilst programming works
- Daily liaison with all Service Users
- All works completed within agreed timescales and to the satisfaction of the client
Services Delivered
- Asbestos Survey
- Detailed Risk Assessments
- Hazardous Waste Removal
- Asbestos Removal
- Thermal Residue Removal
The Precision Group has been a trusted supply partner of Queen’s University Belfast for many years. Other projects have included the University’s Mathematics & Physics (MAP) Building and David Keir Building, a GradeB1 listed building.