Reason for Survey
Sewer network condition location CCTV surveys and associated specialist services were carried out by the Precision Group within Cork City and Cork County Council areas surveying sewerage assets falling under the control of the employer Irish Water and the local councils. As part of the “Irish Water Sewer Network Survey and Associated Services surveying Framework”.
The scope of the works included scoped CCTV and Sonar surveys of certain network assets as determined and set out for survey by the client’s representative RPS Cork.
Precision gathered set data and information reported within this report on:
- The general layout of the sewer network scoped for survey.
- Precision captured and recorded data relative to the below ground and above ground sewerage assets as determined by the contract scope.
- Ground Topography limited to cover levels and location of uncharted assets. Identification of silt levels within the sewer network general condition surveying.
- Record and report the internal condition and location of sewer asset pipe lines.
- Identify any cross connections between foul and storm networks within storm lines.
- Gathering data and updating the client Irish Waters Infonet database.
- Precision Group carried out the site works and produced a detailed factual report including CCTV/Sonar Scan footage data-capture including full photographic records of internal pipe condition as surveyed.
Description of sewers surveyed:
Sewers scoped for survey by client’s representative foul and combined cat R sewers with various diameters ranging between and including 1500mm and 3000mm.
The CCTV Sonar survey was required primarily focused on large diameter interceptor sewers previously not surveyed due to access and reach limitations by past survey companies. Large diameter lines were constructed over ten years ago, CCTV requirements were identified based on the WRC sewer rehabilitation manual categorisation by RPS of Cork the client’s representative.
Scheduled length of survey was 4 km at locations listed within the contract specification documents.
Equipment used and survey standards:
The equipment utilised was a purpose built semi-submersible pipe inspection vehicle or tethered PIV with a 4km reach from any point. All calibrated equipment certified and conforming to the IW standard IW-MOD-TEC-5030-002 and the WRC standard WRC-SRMC.
Reporting software utilised for compilation of survey data within this report was Wincan VX. All reporting and sewer classification surveys were carried out to MSCC5 standard by qualified and certified surveyors. In line with and gathered at the time of survey to, MSCC5 and IW-MOD-TEC-5030-002, WRC-SRMC standards.
Quality Control:
A. Precision Group internal quality control procedure PISQA-2001-WRC-03 all internal Precision survey data was subject to Precision quality control checking of all data prior to submission to the client’s representative for their external quality control check of 5% of data submitted as per the IW standard IW-MOD-TEC-5030-002.
B. RPS quality control checks of 5% of submitted survey data carried out.
C. Data input quality control, all data converted to and input into Infonet and validated prior to issue to clients reprehensive was subjected to validation checks as per the Irish Water Validation standard for CCTV results are listed below.
All assets surveyed and reported to standard including QA check of all data.
Asset Condition Report including scans and footage.
Condition degradation assessment report.
Recommendations for rehabilitation, cleaning and civil repairs.