Outputs & Results
- 2D & 3D CAD Drawings of all Underground & Above Ground Assets, comprising:
- Site drainage assets, there use, size and point of discharge to public sewer network or to water courses
- Manhole condition/location surveys
- CCTV Pipeline condition and location survey
- Fire water disposal route, storage and isolation information for use by emergency services
- Highlighting emergency drainage isolation points with instructions on use during a spill or to contain fire water
- Fire Hydrant Locations and emergency services vehicular access point
- Vehicle fueling points
- Intercepted areas
- Chemical Storage Areas
- Detailed drainage condition report this details any future capital expenditure to rehabilitate or replace infrastructure in the next 5-year period
- CCTV record of Condition Survey
- All data collected and processed used in the production of sewer hydraulic models and for asset management
The site was thoroughly surveyed and proven to be a site with no environmental impact on surrounding water courses and was fully compliant with all regulations.
- Environmental Drainage Compliance Survey
- Detailed 3D CAD Drawings of all Underground & Above Ground Assets
- Simple 2D CAD Drawings for information display
- CCTV Pipeline condition & location surveys
- Manhole Condition & Location Surveys
- Compliance Certification to EPA & EA Regulations